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U.S. National Debt:

Weekly Column: From The Mailbag--Utilization Of Clean Energy Sources

Guest column submitted by U.S. Senator Mike Crapo

As participants in the decisions made in Congress, Idahoans contact me with valuable input about the issues our country faces.  Realizing that many may not have the chance to contact me, I post information about various issues of importance on my website,  One of the issues Idahoans have contacted me about recently is the utilization of clean energy sources.  The following is my response:

As Co-Chairman of the Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, I am a strong supporter of renewable and alternative energy sources.  As a nation, we must set a national energy policy that will meet our energy needs while ensuring an environmentally sustainable future for generations to come.  In fact, Idaho is a national leader in the use of clean, renewable power.  About sixty percent of Idaho’s electricity is generated through the use of hydropower, and another roughly twenty percent is generated though other renewables, such as wind and solar.  Hydropower and nuclear power are a huge part of the clean energy equation because these sources of electricity generation provide substantial non-emitting base load power.

Traditional, affordable sources of energy remain an important part of our nation’s energy portfolio.  Nonetheless, we must utilize an “all of the above” approach to energy production, which includes a robust expansion of alternative and renewable emissions reducing technologies.  By expanding and diversifying our energy resources, we can reduce risks to the environment, promote a strong domestic energy sector and increase our energy security for generations to come.

For more information about the issues before the U.S. Senate as well as news releases, photos, and other items of interest, please visit my Senate website,  The website also provides information about how to contact me to share your views via email, phone and mailing addresses.  News about recent activities and information about accessing my Facebook and YouTube pages and following me on Twitter can also be found on the website.  Links to legislation and other resources to assist Idahoans who need help with federal agencies can also be accessed on the website.  The messages you send me help to shape my approach on a number of important matters.  Please continue to contact me and share your thoughts and ideas. 

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Word Count: 369