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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo, Risch Fight Biden Administration’s Flawed Public Charge Rule for Illegal Migrants

Washington, D.C.--Today, the U.S. Senate considered Senators Mike Crapo, Jim Risch (both R-Idaho) and Roger Marshall’s (R-Kansas) resolution of disapproval for President Biden’s 2022 “public charge” rule.  The rule, prior to the Biden Administration’s efforts, was intended to prevent people who will be a public charge--someone who will be reliant on the federal government--from being granted status in the U.S.  The Biden Administration substantially weakened this rule by allowing illegal migrants to be dependent on several taxpayer funded programs, including food stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid, without it counting against their eligibility for green cards, permanent residency or admission.

“The Biden Administration is fumbling the ball at every level concerning immigration into the United States,”  said Crapo.  “This rule burdens America’s citizen taxpayers--who are already struggling with record high inflation--by removing public charge guidelines necessary to incentivize self-supporting new citizens who are ready to contribute to the economy.”

“Taxpayers cannot continue to fund the president’s illegal immigration policies,”  said Risch.  “If an illegal migrant is dependent on taxpayer funded programs, that dependency must be a consideration in whether they should be granted admission, a green card, or permanent residence.  The president’s lax border policies have already cost Idaho taxpayers far too much money, and it must stop.”