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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Praises Responsible Budget Framework that Balances, Restrains Spending

Proposal Sets Stage for Tax Reform

Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, lauded a proposed budget resolution that will serve as a guide for greater tax reform.

“This is a responsible budget that balances, proposes appropriate spending restraints, and will set the stage for pro-growth tax reform, something that we have badly needed in this country for years and now will have an opportunity to do,” said Crapo Wednesday afternoon during his opening statement before the Senate Budget Committee. “This budget will give the appropriate authorizing committees the ability to achieve a balance over ten years.”

The Senate Budget Committee is considering a budget resolution that will provide a framework for funding in the next fiscal year, with a focus on providing the tools needed to advance tax reform currently being debated in Congress. With this fiscal framework, the Senate Appropriations Committee will designate specific spending numbers for programs across the federal government. Having served as a member of the ‘Gang of Six,’ which focused on deficit reduction solutions, and the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (also referred to as Simpson-Bowles), Crapo has long pushed for commonsense reforms of the nation’s budget and spending to control our growing national debt. Coupled with tax reform, this budget will help put the nation on a stronger course toward fiscal solvency.

“What I consider to be one of the most important parts of this budget is that it will set the process and way for pro-growth tax reform,” added Crapo. “Our tax code is probably one of the most unfair, the most complex, the most expensive to comply with, and the most anti-competitive tax code that we couldn’t have created if we tried and we need to fix it. We need to fix it so that our economy can grow, so that our GDP [gross domestic product] can provide the growth in our economy, and the businesses in our economy can provide the jobs and the benefits for the families that need them.”

The Senate Budget Committee will meet again today to begin consideration and debate on proposed amendments.


To view Crapo's statement, click on the image above.

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