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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Hails Agreement To Resume Beef Trade With South Korea

Washington D.C.-Idaho beef producers may benefit from today's announcement of an agreement between the United States and South Korea that will fully open South Korea's market to U.S. beef exports, according to Idaho Senator Mike Crapo. Crapo, a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and Senate Finance Committee, has pressed for the full resumption of beef trade with South Korea, which was the third largest market for U.S. beef before December 2003.

"This is a significant achievement for U.S. cattle producers, and I commend the President, Ambassador Schwab, the cattle industry and all those involved for their perseverance in reaching this agreement," Crapo said. "For our nation to be globally competitive, our domestic producers must have access to foreign markets. This agreement will provide much needed access to an important market to the benefit of ranchers, consumers, and the economy."