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U.S. National Debt:

Each U.S. Senator can nominate up to ten qualified students to each vacancy at the four U.S. military academies.

Those academies include: the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado; the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York; the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, New York; and the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland. If you are interested in attending an academy, you should complete and submit the application below. All application material including: the application, a completed principal/guidance counselor form in a sealed envelope, three letters of reference, an official transcript with GPA and class rank at the end of your junior year, and ACT/SAT scores should be returned in a single packet. The nomination packet must be received by the close of business on November 1st.

It is preferred you include a copy of your ACT/SAT test scores in your packet. However, you also have the option to use the following codes when taking the exams:

SAT: 4740
ACT: 7124

In addition, the students should contact the academies of their choice and complete a pre-candidate questionnaire. Please keep in mind that the information sent to me will be used in the nominating process, while data received by the academy enables authorities to judge competitive standing for an actual appointment.

Students may also apply for a nomination with Senator James E. Risch, the Representative from your district (Russ Fulcher, 1st District; Mike Simpson, 2nd District), and the Vice-President of the United States.

Again, a nomination means the person is now qualified to compete for an appointment to an academy. A nomination is not an acceptance, only a necessary stepping stone in the process.

Nominations are announced in mid-December.

My Academy Nominations Coordinator, Juli Smith, will be more than happy to be of assistance. Juli can be reached by phone at (208) 664-5490 or by e-mail:

The process through appointment is lengthy, but the rewards of an academy education and a career in the military are considerable. I wish you well in this pursuit.

The delegation often holds military academy information sessions around the state in the spring. Contact my office to learn more. For those unable to attend one of these information sessions, you can watch this video recorded in 2024 at Meridian City Hall for more information on the process.