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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Statement On The Retirement Announcement of Senator Tom Coburn

Washington, D.C. - Following the news that Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn would retire from the U.S. Senate at the end of the year, Idaho Senator Mike Crapo released the following statement:

 "Tom's spirit of service and sacrifice for his constituents and taxpayers across the country is unmatched.  He has devoted his career in Congress to promoting fiscal responsibility by showing the American people the waste, fraud and abuse that should be eliminated in the federal government.  I have had the opportunity to work directly with Tom on the president's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, and later the bipartisan Gang of Six, and can attest to his earnestness in confronting our ever-increasing national debt and unrestrained federal spending. 

 "The U.S. Senate and the people of Oklahoma will lose an outstanding legislator when Tom leaves Washington at the end of the year.  I will miss his passion, counsel and friendship, but I wish him nothing but the best as he returns to his beloved Oklahoma."