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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Seeks Border Security Improvements

Co-sponsors prosecution measure on illegal immigration

Washington, DC â?? Idaho Senator Mike Crapo is co-sponsoring a Senate bill seeking to beef up the prosecution of those who cross the northern U.S. border illegally. Crapo and Senator Maria Cantwell (D-Washington) co-sponsoring the Northern Border Prosecution Initiative Reimbursement Act, S. 1958, which was introduced this week.â??This measure seeks to stop illegal immigrants along the northern border of the U.S. similar to a measure last session covering illegal activity in the southern United States,â?? Crapo said. â??I have sponsored both measures in an effort to put teeth and funding behind our effort to prosecute those who cross the border illegally. Border security is a serious issue and one that the federal government must put its resources behind. This bill does just that.â??The Act co-sponsored by Crapo would create a reimbursement program modeled after the Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative to provide financial assistance to state and local jurisdictions. Through the second quarter of FY2005, more than $112 million has been provided under the southern initiative to assist southern border-states in offsetting the costs of prosecuting immigration cases. The new bill would authorize $28 million in fiscal year 2006 exclusively for the Northern Border, as well as such funds as necessary in future years. The actual budget outlay would depend largely on whether states and localities apply for the reimbursement. The goal of the Act is to copy the southern border program, which requires localities to apply for reimbursement on a case-by-case basis.â??This measure has the strong support of local law-enforcement officials in North Idaho,â?? Crapo said, noting many told him they were appreciative of his co-sponsorship of it during the 108th Congress. â??The bi-partisan nature of support for the Northern Border bill means it stands a good chance of quick passage similar to the southern border bill.â?? # # #