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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo, Risch Sponsor Bill to Combat Crisis at the Southern Border

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch (both R-Idaho) introduced the Solving the Border Crisis Act.  This bill would secure the southern border by resuming construction of the border wall, strengthening management and enforcement capacities, and upholding the rule of law.

“A record number of illegal border crossings on the Biden Administration’s watch has created a humanitarian crisis of staggering proportions and fueled the increased smuggling of deadly drugs such as fentanyl into our country,” Crapo said.  “This ongoing crisis demands a stronger, more effective leadership. Congress must act to secure the border now, as we cannot rely on the Executive Branch to do so.”

“Since President Biden took office, more than 4.7 million illegal immigrants – double the population of Idaho – have been encountered at the southern border. This is a direct result from the president’s open border policies that have catalyzed a full-blown disaster,” said Risch.  “With my legislation, the Solving the Border Crisis Act, America would return to reasonable, commonsense border polices that not only stop illegal immigration but deter it.  This legislation would resume construction of the border wall, extend Title 42, and improve equipment and resources for enforcement and border patrol.  Strong border policies are the only solution to President Biden’s ever-growing immigration disaster.”

Crapo and Risch are joined in introducing the legislation by Senators Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee), Thom Tillis (R-North Carolina), Ted Budd (R-North Carolina), and John Boozman (R-Arkansas). 

“The Biden Administration’s open border policies have incentivized the migration of millions of illegal aliens and allowed thousands of pounds of deadly fentanyl into the United States that is killing more than 70,000 Americans a year,” said Hagerty.  “I am pleased to work with my colleagues in taking this critical step to reject President Biden’s failed immigration policies and reinstate the commonsense border policies of the last Administration.”   

“President Biden has made one poor decision after another that has created a crisis at our Southern border, including stopping construction of a border wall and ending Remain in Mexico,” said Tillis.  “I’m proud to co-introduce this legislation to take action to gain back control of our border and stop the historic level of encounters with illegal immigrants.”

“President Biden caused the worst border crisis in history and it’s up to Republicans to fix it," said Budd.  "We know what to do: Increase funding for border patrol, restart wall construction, reimplement the Remain in Mexico policy, and so much more. To protect our communities and restore our national security, I’m proud to support Senator Risch’s bill to finally combat the Biden Border Crisis."

“President Biden’s rhetoric and his administration’s open border policies are responsible for the ongoing national security and humanitarian crisis at our southern border," said Boozman.  "It will continue to rage and undermine our sovereignty until we secure and seal it, fix the flawed immigration process that invites this chaos and enforce existing laws already on the books.  This bill tackles those urgent needs and I’m proud to join my colleagues to advance this commonsense solution to the Biden border crisis,” 

The Solving the Border Crisis Act will:

  • Immediately resume border wall construction;
  • Make the Remain in Mexico program permanent;
  • Disapprove of a Biden administration rule allowing asylum officers to hear asylum claims instead of immigration judges;
  • Establish a sense of Congress that the President declare a national security emergency at the southern border;
  • Extend Title 42 until at least 120 days after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency;
  • Require a comprehensive plan of action to address the influx of illegal migrants should Title 42 be terminated;
  • Establish minimum staffing levels for immigration enforcement, border patrol, and field operation agents;
  • Ensure sufficient detention facilities are funded for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to meet requirements;
  • Determine if Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is collecting the DNA of unlawful migrants as authorized by law to help with criminal investigations in the U.S.; and
  • Require DHS to report how the agency is attempting to mitigate border encounters.