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Crapo, Risch, Owyhee Work Group Plan Rally

Senator also joins fellow cancer survivor at fair health booth

Boise â?? Idaho Senator Mike Crapo will join Governor Jim Risch, Shoshone-Paiute Tribal Chairman Terry Gibson, Owyhee County Commissioners, members of the Owyhee Initiative Work Group, and others this Friday to rally support for the Owyhee Initiative Implementation Act. The rally and press conference is planned inside the Governorâ??s Office at 1:30 p.m. It is designed to show the broad base of support for S. 3794, the Owyhee Initiative Implementation Act, which Crapo introduced in the U.S. Senate on August 3rd.Over the noon hour on Friday, Crapo will visit the Mike Crapo Health Awareness Booth on opening day of the Western Idaho Fair. Crapo, a prostate cancer survivor, organized the cancer testing booths six years ago as a way for patrons attending four Idaho fairs to receive free or reduced-cost screenings for prostate and breast cancer. He will be joined Friday by Oscar Robison of Boise, who learned of his cancer and treated it following testing at the Western Idaho Fair booth. The Mike Crapo Health Awareness Booths are made possible through grants and volunteer efforts from the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation, Wal-Mart, Pfizer, Amgen, American Association of Clinical Urologists, American Cancer Society, Portneuf Medical Center, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Beckman Coulter, Inc., Kootenai Medical Center, St. Lukeâ??s Magic Valley Regional Medical Center, Family Health Services of Twin Falls, Novartis, PhRMA, Qwest, Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center and Cancer Research Center, Saint Alphonsus Laboratory, St. Lukeâ??s Regional Medical Center of Boise and Treasure Valley Hospital of Boise. The Idaho Association of Nurse Anesthetists is providing volunteers this year in addition to a staff of local volunteers. Friday, August 18th:Noon Garden City Joins fellow prostate cancer survivor Oscar Robison of Boise to tour the Mike Crapo Health Awareness Booth inside the entrance to the Western Idaho Fair. The booths offer free and reduced-costs screenings for prostate and breast cancer across Idaho.1:30 p.m. Boise Participates in a rally and press conference inside Governor Rischâ??s office to demonstrate the broad base of support for the Owyhee Initiative Implementation Act. Joins with Governor Risch. Owyhee County Commissioners, Shoshone-Paiute Tribal Chairman Terry Gibson, local ranchers, conservationists, off-road vehicle users and others to discuss the Initiativeâ??s support. Idahoâ??s Land Board endorsed the Owyhee Initiative Implementation Act on August 8th.# # #