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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo, Risch Celebrate National Police Week, Continue to Back the Blue

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch (both R-Idaho) joined 77 Senate colleagues in championing a resolution declaring May 14-20, 2023, National Police Week, which passed the Senate this week.

“With crime rates in many cities across America at an all-time high, our local law enforcement needs our support now more than ever,” the Senators said.  “Idaho’s women and men in blue put their lives on the line daily to protect our neighborhoods and communities.  Sponsoring this resolution is just one way to say ‘thank you’ for their sacrifices.”

Crapo and Risch are dedicated to protecting and defending law enforcement. Last week, the Senators introduced the Back the Blue Act, which would increase the penalties for criminals who intentionally target law enforcement officers.

Earlier this Congress, Crapo and Risch joined in introducing legislation to clarify and strengthen violent crime laws related to attacks on law enforcement, bank robbery, carjacking, kidnapping and other offenses.  The Combating Violent and Dangerous Crime Act resolves discrepancies brought on by conflicting court decisions and clarifies congressional intent regarding crimes of violence and their respective penalties.

Click here to read the Resolution.