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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo: More Reforms Needed to Close Border to Illegal Entry

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) issued the following statement in response to his NO vote on the border security and foreign aid supplemental legislation:

“The President and Senate Democrats would not agree to include necessary reforms to assure the president will close our borders to illegal entry.  On his first day in office, President Joe Biden blew open the southern border by using executive authority to rescind a number of successful Trump Administration policies.  This crisis is a direct result of his actions.  For him to suggest he cannot reverse course immediately and secure our border using the same authority is irresponsible and misleading.  I cannot support this border proposal until it is fixed to include explicit reforms to require enforcement of the law and close our border to illegal entry.  To date, President Biden has failed to demonstrate his Administration will implement, enforce and uphold the law with regard to border security.”
