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U.S. National Debt:

Crapo Comments on Senate Health Care Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Idaho Senator Mike Crapo today commented on the health care proposal introduced today in the Senate:

“The bill proposed today in the Senate protects individuals with pre-existing conditions, allows children to stay on their parents’ health insurance through age 26 and does not make changes to Medicare.  At the same time, the bill will put Medicaid on a sustainable fiscal path to ensure this necessary safety-net program can continue to serve our most vulnerable patients.  The bill allows additional flexibility for states to innovate and better care for beneficiaries.  It will also provide the more than 50,000 Idahoans who were prevented from accessing private health insurance under Obamacare with subsidies to purchase a policy that fits their needs.  This policy gap of Idahoans and others not having access to insurance is due to some states not expanding their Medicaid pools.  This bill now makes coverage possible for those individuals. 

“Insurers are dropping out of the exchanges around the country.  The Senate bill immediately stabilizes the insurance market to protect the more than 100,000 Idahoans who purchase their health insurance on the exchange.  The bill repeals the burdensome Obamacare mandates, including the individual and employer mandate.  Finally, the Senate proposal repeals the taxes which have resulted in higher premiums and health care costs while stunting economic growth.  During the Obamacare debate, I offered an amendment to prevent the enactment of any taxes on middle-class families earning less than $250,000.  This amendment would have held President Obama to his many campaign promises.  The Democrats would not agree to such an amendment, but the Senate will fulfill what I sought to achieve through my amendment in 2009. 

“I will be reviewing the details of the bill closely while the Senate awaits an analysis from the Congressional Budget Office.  Today’s proposal however is a promising step toward maintaining affordable care.”

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