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U.S. National Debt:


2nd annual event reaches across the nation

Washington, DC â?? In an effort to bring more public awareness to a problem confronting todayâ??s teens, Idaho Senator Mike Crapo has sponsored â??National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week,â?? which runs February 5 through February 9. This is the second year that Crapo has led the effort, joining forces with other Senators and organizations, to alert teens and parents to a growing issue of violence in dating relationships. The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution last year, recognizing next week as National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week;â?? a similar resolution passed the U.S. House of Representatives as well.â??This teen-based effort to raise awareness about teen dating violence is important,â?? said Crapo. â??Many Idahoans remember the tragic death of a young woman in Idaho in 1999 who was an apparent victim of teen dating violence. Weâ??ve come a long way toward addressing the crime of dating violence since then, including state and national laws which define dating violence as a form of domestic violence. Most recently, events in Idaho and across the nation are calling attention to this tragedy that exists in most all communities, large or small.â??Stopping teen dating violence requires diligent and persistent support in an effort to raise awareness about this tragedy that often includes both physical and emotional abuse,â?? continued Crapo. â??Our teens today will be parents tomorrow. It is our responsibility to help them understand what constitutes healthy relationships. Family violence is a cycle; children certainly learn what they live. We must stop the cycle of interpersonal violence today, before destructive attitudes and behavior engulf yet another generation of Americans. I will continue my work to help raise awareness of this crime, and Iâ??m grateful for the dozens of teens, communities, schools, elected officials, and advocacy organizations in Idaho and other states who have joined in this effort over the past two years.â??Crapo first became involved with the Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Initiative in 2005 and has worked with multiple organizations to further the initiative. On January 17, Crapo, together with Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joe Lieberman and Patty Murray sent a letter to each Governor and the Mayor of Washington, D.C., asking for support of National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week 2007. Crapo maintains a feature on his website with links and information about teen dating violence awareness and prevention efforts across the nation.