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U.S. National Debt:

2023 Interns

Below are the spotlight information of my 2023 interns, beginning with the summer term.

Austin Smith - DC Summer 2023


North Idaho College

University of Idaho in Moscow


A.S. in Political Science and Pre-Law.

B.S. in Mathematics, minor in Political Science.

Policy areas of interest:

“STEM and tech adjacent fields such as NASA, science, energy, broadband. Also interested in House apportionment, campaign/election reform and congressional reform based on my interests in the McCain-Feingold Act and experience in student government. Finally, because most of my family are teachers, I’m extremely passionate about education policy.”

Goals after graduation:

“I wish I knew. I know that I really enjoy helping people, especially those in my community. While I’m not entirely sure what I’ll do in the future, I never want to give up on my drive to give people the opportunities I’ve never had.

“I may potentially go to law school, enter a graduate degree program, work in government in D.C. (or Boise), or even run for office someday. Everything is on the table.”

Favorite part of Idaho and why.

“I have a few areas that I really love, including Revett Lake, Coeur d’Alene Lake, the St. Joe River, Lookout Mountain, Harrison, and the University of Idaho Arboretum. Something that sets Idaho apart, especially when compared to D.C., is our breathtaking outdoor recreation. And while I love all of Idaho, there’s something simply serene about the small-town feel of the northern panhandle. For anyone visiting Idaho, I always advocate they hike up to Revett Lake. Buried deep in the mountains is this tiny lake with some of the calmest waters anywhere. The fishing is great, but the view really is picturesque.”

What led you to applying for this internship?

“I visited family in Baltimore and met a family friend who worked on the Hill. After talking with her, she really helped me touch up my resume, prepare for interviews, and gave me other tips that set me up for success.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

“This internship actually is what led to me getting my minor in Political Science at U of I! I had already completed two Political Science classes at NIC to fulfill my high school government requirement, and I took an additional class because I enjoyed the professor. Getting this internship has counted as two Political Science classes at U of I. Because of this job, I will be able I to get a minor in a subject I’ve always loved.”

Austin Smith - DC Summer 2023 Intern

Idelia Robinson-Confer - DC Summer 2023


University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania


Masters of Public Administration, Policy Research & Analysis

Policy areas of interest:

“Children and Youth, Healthcare, Education”

Goals after graduation:

“I currently work at a non-profit. I’m not sure what my plans are after graduation. I’m looking forward to my last year of graduate school."

What led you to applying for this internship?

“I wanted to learn more about the legislative process and take on a new opportunity to grow professionally!”

Anything else you’d like to add?

“I also interned with the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute this summer where I researched policy issues affecting children and youth in the U.S. foster care system. During my nine weeks, I created a policy report that was presented to Members of Congress, The Administration, The Department of Health & Human Services, and child welfare advocates across the country.”


Jacob Sauer - DC Summer 2023


Boise State University



Policy areas of interest:

"Finance, Banking, Foreign Relations, Intelligence"

Goals after graduation:

“To pursue a career in finance and or policy."

Favorite part of Idaho and why:

“McCall Idaho is by far my favorite place in Idaho because it offers visitors activities for every season.”

What led you to applying for this internship?

“I met with a couple of individuals who worked in Idaho politics that convinced me I should pursue an internship with this office.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

“The experience of working for Senator Crapo will not soon be forgotten. Capitol Hill is a very unique place and is a place I would highly recommend working on for anyone interested in politics.”


Landen Blades - DC Summer 2023


Montana State University


Sociology - Criminology

Policy areas of interest:

"Crime & First Responders, Homeland Security, Intelligence, Tribal Affairs, Judges, Immigration"

Goals after graduation:

“Although I’ve already graduated, I plan to pursue a career in criminal justice, either within my home state of Montana or an agency within the Department of Justice."

Favorite part of Idaho and why:

“Island Park and the surrounding area is extremely beautiful and has always been fun to visit.”

What led you to applying for this internship?

“I participated in an internship with the United States Marshals Service during the summer of 2022 and wanted to see a different side of the federal government, as well as getting the opportunity to live in our nation’s capital.”

Anything else you’d like to add?

“The amount of opportunities and connections that have presented themselves to me throughout this internship have been immense. The staff in the D.C. office have been steadfast in their willingness to help me build on my professional skills, gain knowledge to a wide array of issues, and build connections that I’ll take with me going forward.”


Gabriel Jose Rodriguez-Figueroa - Boise Summer 2023


Boise State University


Political Science with an emphasis in Public Law and Political Philosophy

Policy areas of interest:

"Technology, foreign policy, and nuclear energy, but those are just my top three!"

Goals after graduation:

"Pursuing a dual degree Master’s/PhD & J.D. I am currently in the application process!"

Favorite part of Idaho and why:

"Whenever I am sick and tired of the busy city, I can drive 15 miles in any direction and clear my head in the gorgeous nature of Idaho."

What led you to applying for this internship?

"I knew that this experience would give me a closer view to how complex politics can be. For too long, my higher educational experience has been focused on theory and less on real-life application. For this reason, I knew that this internship would prove invaluable."

Anything else you’d like to add?

"My expectations coming into this internship were somewhat mixed. I was expecting at least one co-worker or staffer that would be difficult to work with, but I was wrong! Every single person in this office has been nothing but supportive and understanding."


Sarah Young - Boise Summer 2023


Utah State University in Logan, Utah



Policy areas of interest:

"Education; I have always loved school and am a believer that the quality of a child’s education will shape their lives. I wanted to be a teacher for the longest time and am interested in learning more about how to improve education policy for students, as well as educators."

Goals after graduation:

"Law school at the University of Idaho. I’d like to eventually live and practice law in the Boise area."

Favorite part of Idaho and why:

"Cascade; I have lots of good memories from camping trips and lake days in that area. The drive up is gorgeous, too!"

What led you to applying for this internship?

"To give credit where it’s due, my dad told me about it. He knew how much I loved being an Idaho Senate Page in high school and encouraged me to apply. I’ve got some great parents."

Anything else you’d like to add?

"I’m someone who is very interested in the law—how it’s crafted, the effects it has, etc.—and slightly less in politics. So, I was mostly motivated to apply for this internship so that I could experience the goings on in a law maker’s office. I’ve learned so much about current events, casework, legislation, and have been able to hear from and speak to Idahoans about what they are passionate about. I’m thankful and thrilled to say that I’ll be able to take the research, knowledge-based, and interpersonal skills I’ve gained here and apply them to a career in law.

Also, my coworkers here in the Boise office have all gone above and beyond in teaching me about their work, inviting me to events, and encouraging me in my career endeavors. They’re the best."


Sarah Clevenger - Boise Summer 2023


University of Alabama


Public Relations

Policy areas of interest:

"Education, Finance, and Healthcare."

Goals after graduation:

"Attend law school."

Favorite part of Idaho and why:

"I love that Idaho seems to fall under the radar from the rest of the county, making me feel fortunate to have grown up in Idaho."

What led you to applying for this internship?

"I’ve always dreamed of getting to work on Capitol Hill so for me the internship was a step forward and achieving my dreams."

Anything else you’d like to add?

"I sit as a Senator for my university and I wanted to learn more about the thought process in federal policy in order to improve my work for school. I’ve had the unique chance to get to observe the hard working people that work in not just the Boise office… but in all other six offices!"

Sarah Clevenger

Taylor Jepsen - DC Summer 2023


Boise State University


Public Health, Global Studies minor

Policy areas of interest:

"Healthcare, social issues, judicial issues"

Goals after graduation:

"Attend law school"

Favorite part of Idaho and why:

"The atmosphere- it’s friendly and welcoming, there is something there for everyone, and it’s easy to make connections and grow both personally and socially."

What led you to applying for this internship?

"I’ve been studying law since I was ten and reading, writing, and researching legislation since I was 14. I’ve worked for the Idaho House of Representatives and am very active in local politics, so when the opportunity to expand my horizons to federal politics arose, I jumped at the chance!

Anything else you’d like to add?

"It’s been a very eye-opening experience to be in DC and work on Capitol Hill. It’s definitely taught me a lot about the world, about our country, about politics, and people, all of which will serve me well throughout my life."
